NAATI 三级中英文双向翻译
政府认证 移民局指定翻译 保证可用




澳洲公共交通不仅贵,而且非常不方便。很多地方没有开车根本到不了,所以在澳洲开车是无奈且必须的。 我们讨论一下中国驾照如何在澳洲的各州的使用。由于澳洲是联邦制,每个州对驾照的规定不完全一致。


You cannot drive with an International Driver’s Permit (IDP) in mainland China; China has not signed the convention which created IDPs. You need a Chinese license to drive in China. 中国没有加入国际驾照,所以不能用国际驾照在中国开车,中国也没有颁发国际驾照。

对来澳洲的客户,中国驾照需要NAATI 翻译才可以上路。

南澳州(阿德莱德):必须对中国驾照进行翻译,只接受NAATI翻译件原件 (不接受复印件、传真件和公证过的复印件)。如果你已经拿到澳洲身份后3个月,须持有NAATI翻译件到 SA SERVICE 考取南澳洲驾照。

Driver’s licence translations will only be accepted if they are:    an original document (photocopies, faxes and certified copies are not acceptable)    from a consulate office in Australia, signed by a consulate officer, and on official consulate letterhead, or    authorised by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI).Translations are also acceptable if they have been provided either directly by or with the endorsement of the South Australian Government Interpreting and Translating Centre or interstate equivalent or the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).


昆士兰州(布里斯班):如果你的驾照不是英文,驾车时候必须携带NAATI翻译件。需要向警察出示NAATI翻译件。如果你已经拿到澳洲身份后6个月,须持有NAATI翻译件到 Queensland Transport 考取昆士兰州驾照。

If your licence is in a language other than English, you should carry a recognised English translation of it when you are driving. You should show this translation to police when you have to show your driver licence.

  • are not an Australian citizen, but you were given a resident visa before you starting living in Queensland and you’ve now been living in Queensland for 3 months




If your driver licence or learner permit is not in English, you must have it translated by any NAATI accredited translator(External link) (External link), or an appropriate consulate in Australia. Fees may apply.





When driving in NSW you must carry your overseas driver licence. Your licence must be written in English or, if the licence is not in English, you must either carry an English translation or an International Driving Permit.






If your licence is not in English, you must also carry either an official translation of your licence or a current International Driving Permit




If your overseas licence is not in English, you must carry an International Driving Permit or an approved English translation of your licence (if you have either of these) with you when you drive.

澳洲精诚翻译早在2006年12月就获得NAATI 3级中英文双向认证,提供驾照翻译文件翻译服务,欢迎联络我们


澳洲精诚翻译NAATI三级中英文双向翻译 政府认证 移民局指定翻译



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